CERI in the Media

New Research is helping communities across Atlantic Canada restore ocean plants that store carbon

Seagrasses store nearly 10 per cent of the world’s carbon each year, but new research funded by the Dal-led OFI is trying to figure out why some species such as eelgrass — common across Atlantic Canada — are disappearing and how it can be restored

Transcoastal Adaptions – Eelgrass restoration in Nova Scotia and blue carbon with Dr. Kristina Boerder

Dr. Kristina Boerder spoke on CERI, blue carbon, and all things eelgrass!

Information Morning with Portia Clark – Dr. Kristina Boerder Interview

Mongabay Article – CERI Replanting with Partnering Mi’kmaq Communities

CERI has been working closely with local communities to replant eelgrass in historically eelgrass-rich areas. Utilizing historical knowledge passed down through communities, we are working to restore areas that once were home to biologically rich eelgrass ecosystems. Moira Donovan speaks on our efforts over the past year to combat the loss of our eelgrass meadows.